Codewars Part 2

At this week’s Knowledge Exchange we dove into more Codewars exercises with Austin. In this round we focused on JavaScript algorithms. The first exercise was about finding the sum of all the multiples of three or five below the number passed in. The second exercise was called the Hashtag Generator, where the function adds a “#” to the beginning of the string input and make the first letter of each word in the string capitalized or return “false” if the input is empty or more than 140 characters. Each developer who had an idea of how to solve each problem would give their suggestions to Austin and he would add the code to the algorithm. At the end, he would run the code to see if it passed the test. We also reviewed the top responses to each exercise submitted by other developers and compared to our solutions to see how closely they matched. In summary, we learned lots of JavaScript tips and tricks to help us strengthen our JavaScript knowledge.


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