Mockaroo Demo

Mockaroo is great tool when you need to fill your application with mock data. We started by Kaela taking us through the numerous datasets that are available - everything ranging from Airport Codes, to European First Names, and IP addresses. We explored the formula designer tool that allows you to write various formulas to populate your data.

You have the ability to select how many rows of sample data you’d like it to generate, however 1000 rows Is the maximum you can generate on the FREE account. The service also gives us the option of selecting what format we’d like our data to be generated in; CSV, JSON, etc.

Mockaroo also allows its users to consume the data via a mock API. Kaela took us through the consumption of a mock API via Postman. It’s important to note that you’ll need to include the X-API-Key in the header of your GET request.

Overall, what Kaela demo’d was quite powerful. I think we’re all excited to use Mockaroo in the future.


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Codewars Part 2